Renaissance Dallas Richardson Hotel
900 E Lookout Dr
Richardson, TX 75082
6:30 – 7pm: Check In. Each school will have their own check-in table.
7-9: Dinner and Presentations
9-11: Dance
Traffic can be heavy at this time of day, so budget a bit longer than you think it will take to get there.
If you are being picked up at 11, please be certain your ride is on time
Semi-formal is required. Shorts, jeans, and other casual clothing are not permitted.
If you are being dropped off by a parent, they should drop you at the Renaissance entrance on Plaza Drive (east side of the hotel). Pickup is at 11, and they should be on time to pick you up.
You must use the parking garage on Plaza Drive, on the east side of the Renaissance Hotel. When you pull in to the parking garage, you will receive a parking ticket on cardstock. YOU MUST BRING THIS TICKET IN TO THE BANQUET WITH YOU!
When you check-in at the banquet, there will be a “parking validation” machine. You must stick your parking ticket in to that machine to have it validated – this will allow you to leave the parking garage for free. If you forget to validate your parking ticket, you will likely be charged to leave the parking garage at the end of the night.
Do not park anywhere on the surrounding streets! Most of the parking in the area is permit-only for area apartments, and you will be towed at your expense.